Frequently Asked Questions


Why $productName$?

Kubernetes shifts application architecture for microservices, as well as the development workflow for a full-cycle development. $productName$ is designed for the Kubernetes world with:

  • Sophisticated traffic management capabilities (thanks to its use of Envoy Proxy), such as load balancing, circuit breakers, rate limits, and automatic retries.
  • API management capabilities such as a developer portal and OpenID Connect integration for Single Sign-On.
  • A declarative, self-service management model built on Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions, enabling GitOps-style continuous delivery workflows.

We’ve written about the history of $productName$, Why $productName$ In Depth, Features and Benefits and about the evolution of API Gateways.

What’s the difference between the $OSSproductName$ and the $AESproductName$?

The $OSSproductName$ was the name of the original open-source project. As the project evolved, we realized that the functionality we were building had extended far beyond an API Gateway. In particular, the $AESproductName$ is intended to provide all the functionality you need at the edge – hence, an “edge stack.” This includes an API Gateway, ingress controller, load balancer, developer portal, and more.

How is $AESproductName$ licensed?

The core $OSSproductName$ is open source under the Apache Software License 2.0. The GitHub repository for the core is Some additional features of the $AESproductName$ (e.g., Single Sign-On) are not open source and available under a proprietary license.

Can I use the add-on features for $AESproductName$ for free?

Yes! The core functionality of the $AESproductName$ is free and has no limits whatsoever. If you wish to use one of our additional, proprietary features such as Single Sign-On, you can get a free community license for up to 5 requests per second. Please contact sales if you need more than 5 RPS.

For more details on core unlimited features and premium features, see the editions page.

How does $productName$ use Envoy Proxy?

$productName$ uses Envoy Proxy as its core proxy. Envoy is an open-source, high-performance proxy originally written by Lyft. Envoy is now part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

Is $productName$ production ready?

Yes. Thousands of organizations, large and small, run $productName$ in production. Public users include Chick-Fil-A, ADP, Microsoft, NVidia, and AppDirect, among others.

What is the performance of $productName$?

There are many dimensions to performance. We published a benchmark of $productName$ performance on Kubernetes. Our internal performance regressions cover many other scenarios; we expect to publish more data in the future.

What’s the difference between a service mesh (such as Istio) and $productName$?

Service meshes focus on routing internal traffic from service to service (“east-west”). $productName$ focuses on traffic into your cluster (“north-south”). While both a service mesh and $productName$ can route L7 traffic, the reality is that these use cases are quite different. Many users will integrate $productName$ with a service mesh. Production customers of $productName$ have integrated with Consul, Istio, and Linkerd2.

Common Configurations

How do I disable the 404 landing page?

Established users will want to better control 404 behavior both for usability and security. You can leverage the Mapping resource to implement this functionality to your cluster. $productName$ users can use a ‘catch-all’ mapping using the ‘/’ prefix in a mapping configuration. The simplest mapping, described below, returns only 404 text. To use a custom 404 landing page, simply insert your service and remove the rewrite value.

kind: Mapping
  name: "404-fallback"
  prefix: "/"
  rewrite: "/404/" # This must not map to any existing prefix!
  service: localhost:8500

For more information on the Mapping resource, see Advanced Mapping Configuration.

How do I disable the default Admin mappings?

In a production environment, public access to the console and admin endpoints is not an ideal situation. To solve this, we will be using an Ambassador Module to remove the default mappings and create a new, host-based mapping to expose the Admin endpoint more securely. The Ambassador module applies system-wide configuration settings for $productName$ to follow.

kind: Module
  name: ambassador
      enabled: false

After applying this module, the admin endpoint is no longer accessible from the outside world. We cannot, however, exclude actual administrators from this endpoint, so to create a more managed endpoint for them to use, create a mapping to expose the endpoint.

kind: Mapping
  name: admin-mapping
  prefix: /edge_stack/
  rewrite: /edge_stack_ui/edge_stack/
  service: localhost:8500

Now, administrators can connect to the admin console via hostname. Additional Mapping and Filter settings can be appropriately configured to better control access to admin services. To learn more about Ambassador Module configurations, see Ambassador Module


How do I get help for $productName$?

We have an online Slack community with thousands of users. We try to help out as often as possible, although we can’t promise a particular response time. If you need a guaranteed SLA, we also have commercial contracts. Contact sales for more information.

What do I do when I get the error no healthy upstream?

This error means that $productName$ could not connect to your backend service. Start by verifying that your backend service is actually available and responding by sending an HTTP response directly to the pod. Then, verify that $productName$ is routing by deploying a test service and seeing if the mapping works. Then, verify that your load balancer is properly routing requests to $productName$. In general, verifying each network hop between your client and backend service is critical to finding the source of the problem.

Last modified April 17, 2024: Initial hugo setup (0526d5d)