“How-to” guides

These guides are designed to help users quickly accomplish common tasks. The guides assume a certain level of understanding of $productName$. Many of these guides are contributed by third parties; we welcome contributions via Pull Request at https://github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary.

  • Integrating with Service Mesh. $productName$ natively integrates with many service meshes.
  • Distributed tracing. $productName$ natively supports a number of distributed tracing systems to enable developers to visualize request flow in microservice and service-oriented architectures.
  • Identity providers. $AESproductName$ integrates with a number of OAuth Identity Providers via OpenID Connect.
  • Monitoring. $productName$ integrates with a number of different monitoring/metrics providers.
  • Frameworks and Protocols. $productName$ supports a wide range of protocols and cloud-native frameworks.
  • Security. $productName$ supports a number of strategies for securing Kubernetes services.

Last modified April 17, 2024: Initial hugo setup (0526d5d)