
Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that automates the release and management of software on Kubernetes. Emissary can be installed via a Helm chart with a few simple steps, depending on if you are deploying for the first time, upgrading Emissary from an existing installation, or migrating from Emissary.

Before you begin

The Emissary Helm chart is hosted by Datawire and published at https://www.getambassador.io.

Start by adding this repo to your helm client with the following command:

helm repo add datawire https://www.getambassador.io

Both Helm 2 and Helm 3 are supported. To enable CRD creation in Helm 2, the crd-install hook is included in the CRD manifests. When installing with Helm 3, the following message will be output to stderr:

manifest_sorter.go:175: info: skipping unknown hook: "crd-install"

Since this hook is required for Helm 2 support it IS NOT AN ERROR AND CAN BE SAFELY IGNORED.

Install with Helm

When you run the Helm chart, it installs Emissary. You can deploy it with either version of the tool.

  1. Helm 3 users: Install the Emissary Chart with the following command:

    helm install ambassador datawire/ambassador --set enableAES=false
  2. Helm 2 users: Install the Emissary Chart with the following command:

    helm install --name ambassador datawire/ambassador --set enableAES=false
  3. Set up Service Catalog to view all of your service metadata in Ambassador Cloud.

Create a Mapping

In a typical configuration workflow, Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) are used to define the intended behavior of Emissary. In this example, we’ll deploy a sample service and create a Mapping resource. Mappings allow you to associate parts of your domain with different URLs, IP addresses, or prefixes.

  1. First, apply the YAML for the “Quote of the Moment" service.
kubectl apply -f https://app.getambassador.io/yaml/ambassador-docs/$version$/quickstart/qotm.yaml
  1. Copy the configuration below and save it to a file called quote-backend.yaml so that you can create a Mapping on your cluster. This Mapping tells Emissary to route all traffic inbound to the /backend/ path to the quote Service.
apiVersion: getambassador.io/v2
kind: Mapping
  name: quote-backend
  prefix: /backend/
  service: quote

3. Apply the configuration to the cluster by typing the command `kubectl apply -f quote-backend.yaml`.

4. Grab the IP of your Emissary

 export EMISSARY_LB_ENDPOINT=$(kubectl get svc ambassador \
-o "go-template={{range .status.loadBalancer.ingress}}{{or .ip .hostname}}{{end}}")
  1. Test the configuration by typing curl -Lk https://$EMISSARY_LB_ENDPOINT/backend/ or curl -Lk https://<hostname>/backend/. You should see something similar to the following:

    $ curl -Lk http://$EMISSARY_LB_ENDPOINT/backend/
     "server": "idle-cranberry-8tbb6iks",
     "quote": "Non-locality is the driver of truth. By summoning, we vibrate.",
     "time": "2019-12-11T20:10:16.525471212Z"

A single source of configuration

In Emissary, Kubernetes serves as the single source of configuration. This enables a consistent configuration workflow.

  1. To see your mappings via the command line, run kubectl get mappings

  2. If you created Mappings or other resources in another namespace, you can view them by adding -n <namespace> to the kubectl get command or add -A to view resources from every namespace. Without these flags, you will only see resources in the default namespace.

    $ kubectl get mappings
      quote-backend                 /backend/       quote

Upgrading an existing Emissary installation

Note: If your existing installation is running Emissary, do not use these instructions. See Migrating to Ambassador Edge Stack instead.

Upgrading an existing installation of Emissary is a two-step process:

  1. First, apply any CRD updates (as of Helm 3, this is not supported in the chart itself):

    kubectl apply -f https://app.getambassador.io/yaml/ambassador-docs/$version$/aes-crds.yaml
  2. Next, upgrade Emissary itself:

    helm upgrade ambassador datawire/ambassador

This will upgrade the image and deploy and other necessary resources for Emissary.

  1. Set up Service Catalog to view all of your service metadata in Ambassador Cloud.

Migrating to Ambassador Edge Stack

If you have an existing Emissary installation but are not yet running Ambassador Edge Stack, the upgrade process is somewhat different than above.

Note: It is strongly encouraged for you to move your Emissary release to the ambassador namespace as shown below. If this isn’t an option for you, remove the --namespace ambassador argument to helm upgrade.

  1. Upgrade CRDs for Emissary.

    To take full advantage of Emissary, you’ll need the new Host CRD, and you’ll need the new getambassador.io/v2 version of earlier CRDs. To upgrade all the CRDs, run

    kubectl apply -f https://app.getambassador.io/yaml/ambassador-docs/$version$/aes-crds.yaml
  2. Upgrade your Emissary installation.

    If you’re using Helm 3, simply run

    helm upgrade --namespace ambassador ambassador datawire/ambassador --set enableAES=true

    If you’re using Helm 2, you need to modify the command slightly:

    helm upgrade --set crds.create=false --namespace ambassador ambassador datawire/ambassador --set enableAES=true

At this point, Ambassador Edge Stack should be running with the same functionality as Emissary as well as the added features of Ambassador Edge Stack. It’s safe to do any validation required and roll-back if necessary.

Note: Ambassador Edge Stack will be installed with an AuthService and RateLimitService. If you are using these plugins, set authService.create=false and/or rateLimit.create=false to avoid any conflict while testing the upgrade.

Test your Mapping over HTTPS after upgrading to Ambassador Edge Stack

Upgrading to Ambassador Edge Stack will provide automatic TLS support if you have not already configured it.

  1. Grab the IP of your Ambassador Edge Stack

    • Note: Make sure to remove -n ambassador if you decided to not migrate to the ambassador namespace when upgrading to Ambassador Edge Stack
    export AMBASSADOR_LB_ENDPOINT=$(kubectl -n ambassador get svc ambassador \

-o “go-template={{range .status.loadBalancer.ingress}}{{or .ip .hostname}}{{end}}”)

2. Try submitting a request to the quote service that you deployed above

$ curl -Lk https://$AMBASSADOR_LB_ENDPOINT/backend/ { “server”: “idle-cranberry-8tbb6iks”, “quote”: “Non-locality is the driver of truth. By summoning, we vibrate.”, “time”: “2021-02-26T15:55:06.884798988Z” }

Last modified September 9, 2024: Update all 1.14 metadata to fix navigation (c0afada)