Upgrade to Ambassador Edge Stack

If you currently have the open source version of Emissary, you can upgrade to Ambassador Edge Stack with a few simple commands. When you upgrade to Ambassador Edge Stack, you’ll be able to access additional capabilities such as automatic HTTPS/TLS termination, Swagger/OpenAPI support, API catalog, Single Sign-On, the Edge Policy Console UI, and more. For more about the differences between Ambassador Edge Stack and Emissary, see the Editions page.

Upgrading on supported Kubernetes environments

edgectl can automate the upgrade from installations that match the following criteria:

  • Emissary has been installed (and is still managed by) the Ambassador Operator.
  • the AmbassadorInstallation has:
    • the ambassador name and ambassador namespace
    • installOSS: true

Note: It is always advised to migrate your install of Emissary to the ambassador namespace before upgrading to Ambassador Edge Stack with any method.

First, install edgectl by following the instructions here.

Then, use the following command to upgrade the Emissary installation to Ambassador Edge Stack:

edgectl upgrade

Upgrading from other installations


  • You must have properly installed Emissary previously following these instructions.
  • You must have TLS configured and working properly on your Emissary instance

To upgrade your instance of Emissary:

  1. Apply the migration manifest
  2. Test the new Deployment
  3. Redirect traffic
  4. Delete the old Deployment
  5. Update and restart
  6. Access the Edge Policy Console
  7. What’s next?

Before you begin

Make sure that you follow the steps in the given order - not doing that might crash your Emissary installation or make it inconsistent.

Check if you have an AuthService or RateLimitService installed. If you do, make sure that they are using the namespace-qualified DNS name. If they are not, the initial migration tests may fail.

1. Apply the migration manifest

First, install Ambassador Edge Stack alongside your existing Emissary installation so you can test your workload against the new deployment.

Note: Make sure you apply the manifests in the same namespace as your current Emissary installation.

Use the following command to install Ambassador Edge Stack, replacing <namespace> appropriately:

kubectl apply -n <namespace> -f https://app.getambassador.io/yaml/ambassador-docs/$version$/oss-migration.yaml

2. Test the new Deployment

At this point, you have Emissary and Ambassador Edge Stack running side by side in your cluster. Ambassador Edge Stack is configured using the same configuration (Mappings, Modules, etc) as your current Emissary.

Get the IP address to connect to Ambassador Edge Stack by running the following command: kubectl get service test-aes -n <namespace>

Test that Ambassador Edge Stack is working properly.

3. Redirect traffic

Once you’re satisfied with the new deployment, update your current Emissary service to redirect traffic to Ambassador Edge Stack.

Edit the current Emissary service with kubectl edit service -n <namespace> ambassador and change the selector to product: aes.

4. Delete the old Deployment

You can now safely delete the older Emissary deployment and Ambassador Edge Stack service.

kubectl delete deployment -n <namespace> ambassador
kubectl delete service -n <namespace> test-aes

5. Update and restart

Apply the new CRDs, resources and restart the Ambassador Edge Stack pod for changes to take effect:

kubectl apply -n <namespace> -f https://app.getambassador.io/yaml/ambassador-docs/$version$/aes-crds.yaml && \
kubectl apply -n <namespace> -f https://app.getambassador.io/yaml/ambassador-docs/$version$/resources-migration.yaml && \
kubectl rollout restart deployment/aes

6. Access the Edge Policy Console

You can now access the Edge Policy Console with the following options:

  • edgectl login -n <namespace> <AES_host> or
  • https://{{AES_URL}}/edge_stack/admin

7. What’s next?

Now that you have Ambassador Edge Stack up and running, check out the Getting Started guide for recommendations on what to do next and take full advantage of its features.

Last modified September 9, 2024: Update all 1.14 metadata to fix navigation (c0afada)