
With Emissary Diagnostics and Ambassador Cloud, you get a summary of the current status and Mappings of your cluster and it’s services, which gets displayed in Diagnostics Overview.


Can’t access Emissary Diagnostics Overview?

Create an Ambassador Module if one does not already exist, and add the following config to enable diagnostics data.

apiVersion: getambassador.io/v3alpha1
kind: Module
  name: ambassador
      enabled: true

Next, ensure that the AES_REPORT_DIAGNOSTICS_TO_CLOUD environment variable is set to "true" on the Agent deployment to allow diagnostics information to be reported to the cloud.

# Namespace and deployment name depend on your current install

kubectl set env deployment/edge-stack-agent -n ambassador AES_REPORT_DIAGNOSTICS_TO_CLOUD="true"

Finally, set the AES_DIAGNOSTICS_URL environment variable to "http://emissary-ingress-admin:8877/ambassador/v0/diag/?json=true"

# Namespace, deployment name, and pod url/port depend on your current install

kubectl set env deployment/edge-stack-agent -n ambassador AES_DIAGNOSTICS_URL="http://emissary-ingress-admin:8877/ambassador/v0/diag/?json=true"

After setting up AES_DIAGNOSTICS_URL, you can access diagnostics information by using the same URL value.

Still can’t see Emissary Diagnostics?

Do a port forward on your Emissary pod

# Namespace, deployment name, and pod url/port depend on your current install

kubectl port-forward edge-stack-76f785767-n2l2v -n ambassador 8877

You will be able to access the diagnostics overview page by going to http://localhost:8877/ambassador/v0/diag/

Emissary not routing your services as expected?

You will need to examine the logs and Emissary pod status. See Debugging for more information.