Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Emissary’s robust TLS support exposes configuration options for many different TLS use cases, using the Host and TLSContext resources in concert.

Certificates and Secrets

Properly-functioning TLS requires the use of TLS certificates to prove that the various systems communicating are who they say they are. At minimum, Emissary must have a server certificate that identifies it to clients; when mTLS or client certificate authentication are in use, additional certificates are needed.

You supply certificates to Emissary in Kubernetes TLS Secrets. These Secrets must contain valid X.509 certificates with valid PKCS1, PKCS8, or Elliptic Curve private keys. If a Secret does not contain a valid certificate, an error message will be logged, for example:

tls-broken-cert.default.1 2 errors:;  1. K8sSecret secret tls-broken-cert.default tls.key cannot be parsed as PKCS1 or PKCS8: asn1: syntax error: data truncated;  2. K8sSecret secret tls-broken-cert.default tls.crt cannot be parsed as x.509: x509: malformed certificate

If you set the AMBASSADOR_FORCE_SECRET_VALIDATION environment variable, the invalid Secret will be rejected, and a Host or TLSContext resource attempting to use an invalid certificate will be disabled entirely. Note that in Emissary $version$, this includes disabling cleartext communication for such a Host.


A Host represents a domain in Emissary and defines how the domain manages TLS. For more information on the Host resource, see The Host CRD reference documentation.

If no Hosts are present, Emissary synthesizes a Host that allows only cleartext routing. You will need to explictly define Hosts to enable TLS termination.

The examples below do not define a requestPolicy; however, most real-world usage of Emissary will require defining the requestPolicy.

For more information, please refer to the Host documentation.

Bring your own certificate

The Host can read a certificate from a Kubernetes Secret and use that certificate to terminate TLS on a domain.

The following example shows the certificate contained in the Kubernetes Secret named host-secret configured to have Emissary terminate TLS on the domain:

kind: Host
  name: example-host
    name: host-secret

By default, tlsSecret will only look for the named secret in the same namespace as the Host. In the above example, the secret host-secret will need to exist within the default namespace since that is the namespace of the Host.

To reference a secret that is in a different namespace from the Host, the namespace field is required. The below example will configure the Host to use the host-secret secret from the example namespace.

kind: Host
  name: example-host
    authority: none
    name: host-secret
    namespace: example

The Kubernetes Secret named by tlsSecret must contain a valid TLS certificate. If AMBASSADOR_FORCE_SECRET_VALIDATION is set and the Secret contains an invalid certificate, Emissary will reject the Secret and completely disable the Host; see Certificates and Secrets above.

Advanced TLS configuration with the Host

You can specify TLS configuration directly in the Host via the tls field. This is the recommended method to do more advanced TLS configuration for a single Host.

For example, the configuration to enforce a minimum TLS version on the Host looks as follows:

kind: Host
  name: example-host
    name: min-secret
    min_tls_version: v1.2

The Kubernetes Secret named by tlsSecret must contain a valid TLS certificate. If AMBASSADOR_FORCE_SECRET_VALIDATION is set and the Secret contains an invalid certificate, Emissary will reject the Secret and completely disable the Host; see Certificates and Secrets above.

The following fields are accepted in the tls field:

  cert_chain_file:    # string
  private_key_file:   # string
  ca_secret:          # string
  cacert_chain_file:  # string
  alpn_protocols:     # string
  cert_required:      # bool
  min_tls_version:    # string
  max_tls_version:    # string
  cipher_suites:      # array of strings
  ecdh_curves:        # array of strings
  sni:                # string
  crl_secret:         # string

These fields have the same function as in the TLSContext resource, as described below.

Host and TLSContext

You can link a Host to a TLSContext instead of defining tls settings in the Host itself. This is primarily useful for sharing settings between multiple Hosts.

It is invalid to use both the tls setting and the tlsContext setting on the same Host. The recommended setting is using the tls setting unless you have multiple Hosts that need to share TLS configuration.

To link a TLSContext with a Host, create a TLSContext with the desired configuration and link it to the Host by setting the field in the Host. For example, to enforce a minimum TLS version on the Host above, create a TLSContext with any name with the following configuration:

kind: TLSContext
  name: min-tls-context
  secret: min-secret
  min_tls_version: v1.2

Next, link it to the Host via the tlsContext field as shown:

kind: Host
  name: example-host
    name: min-secret
    name: min-tls-context

The Host and the TLSContext must name the same Kubernetes Secret; if not, Emissary will disable TLS for the Host.

The Kubernetes Secret named by tlsSecret must contain a valid TLS certificate. If AMBASSADOR_FORCE_SECRET_VALIDATION is set and the Secret contains an invalid certificate, Emissary will reject the Secret and completely disable the Host; see Certificates and Secrets above.

The Host’s hostname and the TLSContext’s hosts must have compatible settings. If they do not, requests may not be accepted.

See TLSContext below to read more on the description of these fields.

Create a TLSContext with the name {{AMBASSADORHOST}}-context (DEPRECATED)

This implicit TLSContext linkage is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Emissary; it is not recommended for new configurations. Any other TLS configuration in the Host will override this implict TLSContext link.

The Host will implicitly link to the TLSContext when a TLSContext exists with the following:

  • the name {{NAME_OF_AMBASSADORHOST}}-context
  • hosts in the TLSContext set to the same value as hostname in the Host, and
  • secret in the TLSContext set to the same value as tlsSecret in the Host

As noted above, this implicit linking is deprecated.

For example, another way to enforce a minimum TLS version on the Host above would be to simply create the TLSContext with the name example-host-context and then not modify the Host:

kind: TLSContext
  name: example-host-context
  secret: host-secret
  min_tls_version: v1.2

The Host and the TLSContext must name the same Kubernetes Secret; if not, Emissary will disable TLS for the Host.

The Kubernetes Secret named by tlsSecret must contain a valid TLS certificate. If AMBASSADOR_FORCE_SECRET_VALIDATION is set and the Secret contains an invalid certificate, Emissary will reject the Secret and completely disable the Host; see Certificates and Secrets above.

The Host’s hostname and the TLSContext’s hosts must have compatible settings. If they do not, requests may not be accepted.

Full reference for all options available to the TLSContext can be found below.


The TLSContext is used to configure advanced TLS options in Emissary. Remember, a TLSContext must always be paired with a Host.

A full schema of the TLSContext can be found below with descriptions of the different configuration options.

kind: TLSContext
  name: example-host-context
  # 'hosts' defines the hosts for which this TLSContext is relevant.
  # It ties into SNI. A TLSContext without "hosts" is useful only for
  # originating TLS.
  # type: array of strings
  # hosts: []

  # 'sni' defines the SNI string to use on originated connections.
  # type: string
  # sni: None

  # 'secret' defines a Kubernetes Secret that contains the TLS certificate we
  # use for origination or termination. If not specified, Emissary will look
  # at the value of cert_chain_file and private_key_file.
  # type: string
  # secret: None

  # 'ca_secret' defines a Kubernetes Secret that contains the TLS certificate we
  # use for verifying incoming TLS client certificates.
  # type: string
  # ca_secret: None

  # Tells Emissary whether to interpret a "." in the secret name as a "." or
  # a namespace identifier.
  # type: boolean
  # secret_namespacing: true

  # 'cert_required' can be set to true to _require_ TLS client certificate
  # authentication.
  # type: boolean
  # cert_required: false

  # 'alpn_protocols' is used to enable the TLS ALPN protocol. It is required
  # if you want to do GRPC over TLS; typically it will be set to "h2" for that
  # case.
  # type: string (comma-separated list)
  # alpn_protocols: None

  # 'min_tls_version' sets the minimum acceptable TLS version: v1.0, v1.1,
  # v1.2, or v1.3. It defaults to v1.0.
  # min_tls_version: v1.0

  # 'max_tls_version' sets the maximum acceptable TLS version: v1.0, v1.1,
  # v1.2, or v1.3. It defaults to v1.3.
  # max_tls_version: v1.3

  # Tells Emissary to load TLS certificates from a file in its container.
  # type: string
  # cert_chain_file: None
  # private_key_file: None
  # cacert_chain_file: None

secret and (if used) ca_secret must specify Kubernetes Secrets containing valid TLS certificates. If AMBASSADOR_FORCE_SECRET_VALIDATION is set and either Secret contains an invalid certificate, Emissary will reject the Secret, which will also completely disable any Host using the TLSContext; see Certificates and Secrets above.

ALPN protocols

The alpn_protocols setting configures the TLS ALPN protocol. To use gRPC over TLS, set alpn_protocols: h2. If you need to support HTTP/2 upgrade from HTTP/1, set alpn_protocols: h2,http/1.1 in the configuration.

HTTP/2 support

The alpn_protocols setting is also required for HTTP/2 support.

kind:  TLSContext
  name:  tls
  secret: ambassador-certs
  hosts: ["*"]
  alpn_protocols: h2[, http/1.1]

Without setting alpn_protocols as shown above, HTTP2 will not be available via negotiation and will have to be explicitly requested by the client.

If you leave off http/1.1, only HTTP2 connections will be supported.

TLS parameters

The min_tls_version setting configures the minimum TLS protocol version that Emissary will use to establish a secure connection. When a client using a lower version attempts to connect to the server, the handshake will result in the following error: tls: protocol version not supported.

The max_tls_version setting configures the maximum TLS protocol version that Emissary will use to establish a secure connection. When a client using a higher version attempts to connect to the server, the handshake will result in the following error: tls: server selected unsupported protocol version.

The cipher_suites setting configures the supported ciphers found below using the configuration parameters for BoringSSL when negotiating a TLS 1.0-1.2 connection. This setting has no effect when negotiating a TLS 1.3 connection. When a client does not support a matching cipher a handshake error will result.

The ecdh_curves setting configures the supported ECDH curves when negotiating a TLS connection. When a client does not support a matching ECDH a handshake error will result.

  - AES128-SHA
  - AES256-SHA
  - AES128-GCM-SHA256
  - AES256-GCM-SHA384
kind:  TLSContext
  name:  tls
  hosts: ["*"]
  secret: ambassador-certs
  min_tls_version: v1.0
  max_tls_version: v1.3
  - X25519
  - P-256

The crl_secret field allows you to reference a Kubernetes Secret that contains a certificate revocation list. If specified, Emissary will verify that the presented peer certificate has not been revoked by this CRL even if they are otherwise valid. This provides a way to reject certificates before they expire or if they become compromised. The crl_secret field takes a PEM-formatted Certificate Revocation List in a crl.pem entry.

Note that if a CRL is provided for any certificate authority in a trust chain, a CRL must be provided for all certificate authorities in that chain. Failure to do so will result in verification failure for both revoked and unrevoked certificates from that chain.

kind:  TLSContext
  name:  tls-crl
  hosts: ["*"]
  secret: ambassador-certs
  min_tls_version: v1.0
  max_tls_version: v1.3
  crl_secret: 'ambassador-crl'
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ambassador-crl
  namespace: ambassador
type: Opaque
  crl.pem: |